Today's Mortgage Rates

Today’s Rates are provided to you for illustrative purposes only. Projections including interest rate, APR, fee, points, and payment amount are estimates only, not a quote or offer, and are dependent on various factors in the loan scenario. The information above may vary based on the specific terms of the loan selected, verification of information, your credit history, the location, type and value of property, and other factors. Rates are subject to change without notice. There is no guarantee that you will qualify for a loan at the provided rate, or at all, as all loans are subject to credit and collateral approval. Payments shown here are principal and interest only and do not include taxes and insurance, which may result in higher monthly payments. Borrowers making a down payment of less than 20% may require mortgage insurance, which could increase the monthly payment and APR. Costs displayed here are not necessarily all-inclusive and can vary based on numerous factors. Any Rebates displayed are lender credits and would be credited at closing toward the borrower's closing costs. This is not a credit decision or commitment to lend. Homestead Funding Corp. dba McGlone Mortgage Group NMLS# 3232. Licensing information: Privacy policy: