September 1, 2022

Baby Safety Month: How to Prepare Your Home

Baby Safety Month occurs every September and was founded in 1983 by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA). Whether you’re expecting your first baby, adding to your growing family, or have a new kiddo in your life, Baby Safety Month is a wonderful time to remind yourself how to keep little ones safe.

One size doesn’t fit all for baby safety at home. Babies grow quickly, as do their changing needs. The best way to figure out dangerous areas in your home is to get down to their level and think about what would appeal to you at that age. We’ve organized some expert tips to get you started.

Safely Exploring

As your child grows, they’ll develop their confidence in exploring the world around them. Tummy time and changes of scenery boosts their cognitive and emotional development. To ensure they can explore safely, be sure to secure all furniture in spaces your child frequents to prevent furniture falling and tear downs. Safety gates will also help to block off areas of the home that aren’t particularly safe. Corner covers or protective padding on sharp edges and corners of furniture are also recommended.

Window Safety

Windows are a great source of stimulation for children. They provide opportunities to observe the world around them and offer natural light. Curtains and blinds can be choking hazards and pose other safety risks, so it’s important to use safety stops or simply tie them up and out of reach.

Electronics Safety

Electronics are an important part of our daily lives, but many aren’t designed with child safety in mind. An outlet can seem like a fun activity for little ones, especially if they see you sticking things in them!  Outlet covers are great for outlets that aren’t frequently used, but many experts recommend safe-plate slide covers or complete outlet covers for those you use more often.

Cleaning Supply Safety

Little ones can’t tell the difference between candy or medicine. They also don’t know the things inside of cabinets could potentially hurt them! Things like cleaning supplies, medications, appliances with long cords, plastic bags, detergent pods, and even fragile dishes should be removed from baby’s reach. While the best practice is to fully remove these hazards, that isn’t always possible! Experts recommend getting cabinet protection locks until your kiddo is old enough to be taught about poison safety.

Garage and Car Safety

All car seats manufactured today are designed to meet safety standards set by the Federal Government. Experts recommend buying a new car seat instead of using a hand-me-down or buying second hand. Car seats can be registered online so you can be alerted for recalls or other important safety information. Car seats also have safety expiration dates, so be sure to check labels and instructions for the specific model’s use-life. Using a car seat past the safety expiration date is not recommended, as the parts will begin to age and not work correctly.

Keys can appear to be the ultimate toy to some kiddos, although they can pose a threat to safety when not supervised. Be sure you keep all keys and fobs out of reach of your little ones and remember to lock all doors and trunks—even when parked on your own street or garage.

At McGlone Mortgage, our Loan Originators work with you through the homebuying process with expert information and compassion. When you’re ready to make your home financing dream a reality, contact us today.

For further baby safety information and tips, please visit Consumer Product Safety Commission, Juvenile Products Manufacturing Association, or your state’s Child Protective Services website.

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